Difference between editorial and commercial photography


Commercial and editorial photography is two of the most popular photography genres. However, many people have misconceptions about these two types of photography.

Commercial photography is a type of photography that is mainly used for commercial purposes, such as advertisements, product catalogs, and corporate brochures. On the other hand, editorial photography is a type of photography that is mainly used for editorial purposes, such as in newspapers, magazines, and books.

There are some core differences between these two photography types. From this article we will try to figure out the definition, uses, needs, and types of commercial and editorial photography. Let’s get into the business and dive into detail.

The main difference between commercial and editorial photography

  • Commercial photography is used to promote or sell a product, service, or brand, while editorial photography is used to tell a story or provide information.
  • Both commercial and editorial photography have their own set of requirements and standards. For commercial photography, the focus is usually on creating visually appealing and eye-catching images that can help sell a product or service. For editorial photography, the focus is often on creating journalistic images that can tell a story or provide information.
  • There are many different types of commercial photography, such as product photography, food photography, fashion photography, and architectural photography. There are also many different types of editorial photography, such as news photography, sports photography, and feature photography.
  • Commercial photography is typically more regulated and controlled than editorial photography. This is because commercial photography is often used to sell products or services, while editorial photography is typically used to provide information or tell a story. Commercial photography also often requires the use of specific types of equipment, such as studio lights and props, while editorial photography typically does not.
  • Commercial photography is usually done on assignment, which means that a client hires a photographer to take pictures of something specific. Editorial photography is often done on spec, which means that photographers take pictures of whatever they think will be interesting and then try to sell them to publications.
  • Both commercial and editorial photography can be done using a variety of different cameras, from point-and-shoot cameras to DSLRs.
  • Commercial photography is usually more expensive than editorial photography. This is because commercial photography often requires the use of specific types of equipment, such as studio lights and props, while editorial photography typically does not.
  • Commercial photography also often requires the photographer to have liability insurance, while editorial photography typically does not.

If you are thinking about becoming a photographer, you may be wondering if you should specialize in commercial photography or editorial photography. Both types of photography have their benefits and drawbacks. Ultimately, the decision of which type of photography to specialize in is up to you. Consider your interests, skills, and goals when making your decision.

Why do we need commercial photography?

  1. Commercial photography has numerous uses for which we need commercial photography desperately. Some of the most important uses are listed below.
  2. Printing and digital media advertising. Perhaps this is the most common use of commercial photography.
  3. When we want to promote our products and services we need commercial photography to execute promotional and marketing activities properly.
  4. People who work in a corporate office need commercial photos. They have to make a presentation using this type of photo.
  5. Commercial photos are used in brochures as well. To make a brochure more appealing and practical commercial photos work well.
  6. If you have a commercial website, then you must need this. To update your products, display the best products, you need commercial photos.
  7. Products that we buy have packaging. That contains little pictures on the surface. That picture is also a commercial photo.
  8. The use of commercial photos stretches to the film and television industry as well. The photos of models, products are examples of this.
  9. Books and book covers are also ordained with commercial photos.

Why we need commercial purpose behind editorial images?

  • Though there is no commercial purpose behind editorial images, they also have multiple uses. That’s why we need this type of photo as well. Here are some of the most important uses of editorial photography.
  • Mostly newspaper and magazine write-ups need this type of photo to assist the written document by displaying a relevant and true picture of it.
  • In the editorial features of any magazine or newspaper, the editor will need editorial photos.
  • Blogs or websites need editorial photographs for reference purposes.
  • News broadcasts show what is happening in real-life through the use of editorial photos.
  • Documentaries also use a lot of editorial pictures
  • Textbooks are full of editorial pictures to support the context of the lesson so that the reader finds it easy to understand.
  • Essays and journals have a dire need to collect lots of editorial pictures.


What is the difference between commercial and editorial photography?

Commercial photography is a type of photography that is mainly used for commercial purposes, such as advertisements, product catalogs, and corporate brochures. On the other hand, editorial photography is a type of photography that is mainly used for editorial purposes, such as in newspapers, magazines, and books.

The main difference between commercial and editorial photography is that commercial photography is used to promote or sell a product, service, or brand, while editorial photography is used to tell a story or provide information.

What are the different types of commercial photography?

There are many different types of commercial photography, such as product photography, food photography, fashion photography, and architectural photography.

What are the different types of editorial photography?

There are many different types of editorial photography, such as news photography, sports photography, and feature photography.

Is commercial photography more expensive than editorial photography?

Commercial photography is usually more expensive than editorial photography. This is because commercial photography often requires the use of specific types of equipment, such as studio lights and props, while editorial photography typically does not. Commercial photography also often requires the photographer to have liability insurance, while editorial photography typically does not.

Should I specialize in commercial photography or editorial photography?

The decision of whether to specialize in commercial photography or editorial photography is up to you. Consider your interests, skills, and goals when making your decision.

What is the difference between commercial and editorial in Shutterstock?

Shutterstock is a company that provides two main types of stock photos: commercial and editorial. Commercial photos are those taken with the intent to sell, while editorial photos are those taken for newsworthy or artistic purposes.

Shutterstock provides both commercial and editorial photos to its customers. However, there are some important differences between the two types of photos.

Commercial photos are typically taken to sell to businesses or individuals for use in advertisements, brochures, websites, etc. These photos are often staged, and the subjects are usually posed and smiling. In contrast, editorial photos are typically taken for newsworthy or artistic purposes. They may be candid shots of people in natural settings, or they may document a news event. Editorial photos are not typically staged or posed, and the subjects may not be smiling.

While Shutterstock provides both commercial and editorial photos, it’s important to know the difference between the two types before purchasing any stock photos. Otherwise, you might end up with photos that aren’t quite what you were expecting!

What does commercial photography include?

Commercial photography generally refers to a type of photography that is done to promote or sell a product or service. This can include products, services, properties, people, or even ideas. Commercial photography is often used in advertising and marketing campaigns, as well as in other forms of media.

Some common types of commercial photography include:

Product photography: Product photography is used to showcase a product, usually in an advertisement or catalog. The focus is on making the product look appealing and inviting to potential customers.

Food photography: Food photography typically focuses on making the food look appetizing and mouthwatering. It can be used in cookbooks, advertisements, and menus.

Architectural photography: Architectural photography showcases the features and design of a building or structure. It is often used in real estate listings, brochures, and website galleries.

Event photography: Event photography captures the highlights of an event, such as a wedding, concert, or festival. These photos are often used in photo albums, scrapbooks, and social media posts.

Portrait photography: Portrait photography is all about capturing the personality and mood of the subject. It can be used for family photos, headshots, and more.

Landscape photography: Landscape photography captures the beauty of the natural world, from mountains and forests to beaches and sunsets. These photos can be used in travel brochures, websites, and wall art.

What does editorial photography include?

Editorial photography covers a wide range of topics, from politics and current affairs to fashion and lifestyle. As a result, editorial photographers must be able to adapt their style and approach to suit the particular needs of each assignment.

Some of the most common types of editorial photography include:

Portraits: These can be either formal or informal portraits of people involved in the story being covered.

Action shots: These capture moments of high drama or intense action, such as a protester being arrested or a footballer scoring a goal.

Scene-setting images: These help to give readers a feel for the location or atmosphere of a story.

Detail shots: These highlight important details that might otherwise be overlooked, such as a close-up of a politician’s face during a speech or a shot of a model’s shoes on the catwalk.

Behind-the-scenes photos: These offer a glimpse into the everyday workings of a particular institution or organization, such as a newsroom or fashion show.


In the end, I would say that commercial and editorial photography are two different kinds of photography. They need different levels of expertise to execute the job. If you can differentiate these two, then it will be easy to implement your skills in this field. Then you need to focus on the ways to get work. Best of luck.

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