How to Make 3D Logo in Photoshop- Fix The Retouch

How to Make 3D Logo in Photoshop

The integration of a three-dimensional (3D) effect within a logo can infuse validity and a modern touch. A professional design logo holds great significance for increasing brand identity.  Powering the capabilities of Adobe Photoshop, one can seamlessly create a captivating 3D logo. This guide will meticulously walk you through the stepwise process of designing a remarkable 3D logo using Photoshop.

Professional 3D Mockup Logo Design tutorial update

Ideation and Sketching

Embark on the logo creation journey by conceptualizing your design. Sketch out your thoughts either on paper or digitally, to chart a clear path. Deliberate on the elements that warrant a 3D rendition.

Start by brainstorming and sketching out different logo concepts.

Establish a clear direction and identify elements that will benefit from the 3D treatment.

Preparing the Workspace

Initiate by launching Adobe Photoshop and generating a new project with the preferred logo dimensions. Opt for a high-resolution canvas to ensure optimal output.

Constructing the Base Logo

Actualize the foundational components of your logo on the canvas. This encompasses the primary text, graphics, and additional elements that constitute your design.

  • Design the foundational elements of your logo on the canvas.
  • Include primary text, graphics, and any essential components.

Replicate the Logo Layers

Duplicate the base logo layers to serve as the foundation for your 3D representation. Keep these duplicates atop the original layers in the layer hierarchy.

  • Replicate the base logo layers to serve as the basis for the 3D version.
  • Keep these duplicates above the original layers in the layer hierarchy.

Transformation into 3D

Select the duplicated layers and navigate to the “3D” option within the top menu. Choose “New 3D Extrusion from Selected Layer.” This action will transform the duplicated layers into a 3D entity.

  • Select the duplicated layers and navigate to the “3D” option in the top menu.
  • Choose “New 3D Extrusion from Selected Layer.”
  • The duplicated layers will be transformed into a 3D object.

Configuring 3D Settings

A dedicated panel will emerge, offering an array of 3D settings. Experiment with attributes such as extrusion depth, materials, lighting, and orientation to achieve your desired 3D outcome.

  • Open the 3D settings from the panel to fine-tune the effect.
  • Experiment with extrusion depth, materials, lighting, and orientation.
  • Scale, Rotate, and properly position the 3D object to achieve the desired look.

Application of Textures and Materials

Elevate the authenticity of your 3D logo by applying textures and materials. Choose from the assortment of predefined textures in Photoshop or formulate your own. balance the contrast area and shadows to ensure  the environment.

  • Enhance the realistic view by applying textures and materials to the 3D object.
  • Choose the range of available textures or create custom ones.
  • Adjust lighting angles and shadows to ensure a coherent appearance.

Precision Refinement

Zoom in meticulously to fine-tune the nuances of your 3D logo. Refine elements such as lighting angles, shadows, and reflections to attain a natural appearance. Strive to achieve a logo that resonates visually and resonates from diverse perspectives.

  • Zoom in to carefully refine the excellent details of the 3D logo.
  • Balance contrast, shadows, and reflections for a natural and polished look.
  • Ensure that the logo maintains its appeal from various viewing angles.

Composing with the Background

Contemplate the backdrop for your 3D logo. Create a separate layer for the background or seamlessly integrate it with the existing design. The synergy between the logo and the backdrop is pivotal; ensure they harmonize seamlessly.

  • Consider the background that complements your 3D logo.
  • Create a dedicated layer for the backdrop or seamlessly integrate it.
  • Strive for a harmonious relationship between the logo and its background.

Saving and Exporting

Upon achieving satisfaction with your 3D logo, preserve your Photoshop project. Export the logo in multiple formats (PNG, JPEG, etc.) to guarantee compatibility across varied platforms and applications.

  • Preserve your Photoshop project by saving your work.
  • Export the final 3D logo in multiple formats (PNG, JPEG) to ensure function.


Embarking on the journey of fashioning a 3D logo within Photoshop necessitates creativity, meticulous attention to detail, and a comprehensive grasp of the software’s 3D tools. This comprehensive guide equips you to metamorphose your two-dimensional logo into a captivating 3D masterpiece that encapsulates your brand’s essence. Through exploration, refinement, and iteration, you can harness the transformative power of a 3D logo, accentuating depth and contemporaneity to amplify your brand’s impact.

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