15 Tips for Improving Your Summer Photography- Fix The Retouch


Summer is a very joyous season. Summer is full of fun, enjoyment, activities, and also great pictures. Summer offers you so much color everywhere and so much contrast, lighting, shades and others so you can be successful in creating the best photograph. There are so many precious moments we spend with our friends and family in the summer days in various places, and those magnificent scenarios that we witness, these all are so important to capture.

Today we have brought 15 Amazing Summer Photography Tips and Techniques that will help you to improve in your photography career.

Golden Hours

Golden Hours are so precious because this is the times when the sun rises, and when the sun sets. In Golden Hours, the surface of the Earth is bathed with the Golden rays of the rising or setting sun. The light is much softer and warmer. It provides a very pleasant view and creates a perfect photograph at the time. This Summer Photography Idea can bring softness and warmness and a very pleasant look in your image.

Keep the Lenses clean

You should always keep your lenses clean. This might sound like a very obvious Summer Picture idea, but it is really important. Having dirty lenses can bring imperfections to the picture, and ruin great clicks. So it is always better to keep the lenses clean. So you should be very careful while using the lens. Lenses play important role for clear photos.

Use a Tripod

Tripod is a very important accessory to use during Summer Photography. Often in the hotness of the weather we feel very tired. A tripod helps us holding the camera in a fixed position. It also allows keeping the camera in different angles and different heights.

Go out in the Gardens

In summer, Gardens are filled with flowers. Gardens look really photogenic in summer. Lots of shrubs and plants grow. Innumerable colorful flowers present in the garden. Overall it is a wonderful Summer Photography Tip to shoot in Gardens to get pleasing photographs. Photographing in the garden can be a bit tricky. So if you know the techniques of shooting photographs in the garden can get better photography.

Go to the Beaches

Being in the beach is enormous fun. Don’t forget to capture the enjoyment in the beach. Let your family or friends enjoy in the beach, and you are ready to capture their enjoyment. Use a Shutter speed of at least 1/500th and use small or medium aperture for a deeper Depth of Field. Keep your lens and camera protected from the sands flying around.

Use a Polarizer

Polarizer is so necessary to give your summer snaps a boost. It will so the work of deepening the blue sky and emphasizing the clouds. Alongside that, it will also eliminate reflections, reduce glare so color saturation is increased and decrease the amount of haze. It will make your Summer Photography game even stronger.

Step out of your Comfort Zone

Photography is not only about capturing whatever is in front of you. There might have been situations where you check your gallery of your pictures, which are of so many different subjects, but all captured in the same way. This suggests that you are doing the same thing every time. You might make excuses such as, ‘I never use flash’, or ‘I only shoot portraits’, but that certainly is not the truth. So step out of your comfort zone, and try different things.

Play with the Colors

Summer is such a colorful season. After spring, summer is the season where we can witness a lot of colors when we go out. Colorful flowers, colorful fruits, leaves, and it go on. You can capture the warm color, the heat of the color, and mix them with the cooler ones. The bright colors will bring the heat out, while cooler ones will give more of a gentler feel. Be sure to shoot in RAW format, so you can change the color temperature if you want.

Same Location, Different Hours

An amazing Summer Photography Trick is to shoot at the same spot at different times. The atmosphere of a place is different at different times of the day. When the sun rises the light is different, when it is on the top it is different, at night it is different, and it continues to go like this. So go to the same place at different times to get the best view of that place it different times. You will be able to get different shades of the photos every different time you shoot in the same location. Though it takes a lot of time, but still you can try this technique to get creative summer photographs.

Be Specific

There have been times that you just flood the SD card every time you go out, right? Many people just keep capturing hundreds of things on the way just thinking that at least one will come out good. This is such a foul thought. Taking a good picture means setting everything in your mind at first, and then capturing the shot. Always be specific on what you want to capture, how the light is, where the shadow is falling, is it perfect overall, etc. Don’t just toss around.

Roam Around and Explore

Step off the place where you have been capturing from such a long time. Roam around the location, search for interesting scenarios. Summer’s dry weather allows safer conditions for hiking and minimizes dangers. The day is usually longer in summer which allows you more time to explore. So do not feel afraid to roam around the beaten paths because that can give you awesome summer pictures.

Shoot in the Shades

Summer means so much sunlight, huh? But with that sunlight, comes shades reflecting on objects. Shooting in harsh sunlight can be painful, so you can rather shoot in the shades. Shades provide much softer, darker picture with more intense look in the image. So go under the shadow any building or tree, that will have much weaker shadow and lower contrast and leave you will a gentle picture.

Rock the Silhouettes

Oh, Silhouettes! Summer can provide such great silhouettes. All you need to do is just place a solid object between you and a bright background and there you have got the makings of great silhouettes. The object can be anything simple, easily-identifiable, such as a tree, animal or a human, or also a complex object. It is up to you, but this can be a great Summer Photography Technique.

Bad Weather can be good

In bad weather conditions, photographers just take their belongings and go back to their homes, and many don’t get out at all. You can bring a change. Step out in a bad weather day, and search for great scenarios to capture. Keep your camera settings well, and make a perfect click even on a bad weather. There are a minimum number of the people who actually think bad weather is good for summer photography. But in my opinion and in my experience, it would be great if you could shoot your summer photos in a bad weather.

Compare Last Year’s Photography to this Year’s

This is not a Summer Photography Tip or trick that needs to be really practiced or taught. You got to do this all by yourself. Never forget to compare your latest photographs with your earlier ones to see that are you improving or not. This will let you know how much you have improved over time and help you set higher goals. Comparison might give you the whole knowledge about your photography. You will be able to check yourself if you have improved or not.


What is the best time to shoot during summer?
Avoid shooting in the middle of the day due to harsh overhead sunlight. Early morning or evening hours are preferable. The cooler temperatures during these times also make the shooting experience more comfortable.

What type of shots are recommended for summer photography?
Summer is a great time for action shots. Activities like swimming, hiking, grilling, or watching fireworks provide plenty of opportunities for fun and candid photos. Use a high shutter speed to freeze motion.

How can color be incorporated into summer photos?
Summer is a great time to introduce lots of color into your photos. Encourage clients to wear bright, solid colors or focus on classic whites, beiges, and pastels against a bright, colorful backdrop.

What should be considered when choosing a location for summer photography?
Summer vacations can provide unique opportunities to play with the landscape. Plan ahead and visit locations during the hours of optimal lighting (early morning or evening).

How to deal with harsh light during summer photography?
If you have to shoot in harsh light, have your subject look into their shadow so their face is evenly lit. You can slightly underexpose your subject to keep the background better exposed and then brighten the images slightly in post-processing.

How to take care of your camera during summer?
If you are shooting outside in the heat, and then quickly move your camera indoors to the air conditioning, you run the risk of creating condensation inside your camera. To avoid this, take a gradual approach.

Any tips for editing summer photos?
Because color is a significant part of summer, using presets that add a boost to clarity and color can complement the wonderful colors of summer. The Clean and Colorful Millennium Preset Collection is recommended for editing summer photos.


Summer is all about enjoying with family and friends. Summer gives us so many occasions to enjoy. Do not forget to enjoy the season to its fullest while you are capturing the precious moments and memories. Summer Photography requires lots of practice, and presence of skills. Hope this article will help you in succeeding getting the best images this summer. We hope that these summer photography tips and tricks will improve your photography. So start practicing from now.

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