Model Photo Editing Tips for Beginners – Fix The Retouch

Model photo editing tips for photographer


Image editing means the post-processing of photography. Any kind of photo if it is supposed to be used for commercial purposes should be edited by an expert. As our online activities are increasing the need for image editing has also increased. Model photos are not any exception. However, editing model photos is not a piece of cake. One should know the core use of Photoshop tools and implement different types of editing. For model photo editing, you should follow certain rules. In today’s article, I am going to discuss some indispensable tips on model photo editing.

Crop the Image

When a model photographer takes model photos, he includes some extra parts inside the frame. The purpose is to make sure nothing gets missed. So, in every photo, you will find something that is not necessary for the photo. You can cut the photo boundary using the crop tool. Once you cut out the photo you can focus on the subject better. Keep in mind that you cannot overcrop. That may destroy the whole photo.

Work in layers

Models are the sign of perfection. Thousands of people follow them. So, their photos should be looking perfect. To bring that look, you have to work in layers. That will make it easy for you to edit the photo. Every layer will have a separate part of the photo. You can have a look at how the photo was before a particular step. Finally, there will be a final layer that will have the ultimate product.

Fix the Image Background

Image background plays a crucial role. Without a proper background subject never gets its place. Some of the newcomers in image editing ignore the background most of the time. When you can edit the background in Photoshop why you are letting it go unedited? It looks professional to fix the right image background.

Adjust white balance

When a photo gets yellowish or bluish during the time of photography then you need to take care of the white balance. Let me tell you what white balance is and why it is important. When a photographer clicks a photo the tint may not be visible but when the photo comes in front it may ruin the photo. Because without balancing the white balance you cannot focus on the real color. Color is the most important part of model photography. So, adjust the white balance.

Keep exposure and contrast Right

For a photographer, it is important to maintain the exposure right. The digital cameras of today’s world have the feature to do it easily. Despite that, a photographer can make mistakes. That’s why editing becomes important. While editing model photos keep the tonal value correct for high dynamic range photos. The color contrast also has a big impact. If you add too much contrast different shapes of the subject’s body will become invisible. That will be a sign of unprofessionalism.

Look after vibrancy and saturation

To be very direct and frank, vibrance and saturation largely decide how your images will look. As you are editing model photos, skin tone is an important part. So, vibrance and saturation both will play a big role. If you increase saturation too much, it will change skin tone and the model body will look unrealistic. Adjust the vibrancy and saturation perfectly. Select the adjustment button and choose the right adjustment for vibrance.

Sharpen Your Images

To make the edges of an image visible sharpening works fine. How much sharpening your photo will need depends on the quality of the image? Well, sharpening cannot rectify any extremely blurred image. To sharpen your image use a separate layer. Set the blending mode to luminosity so that you can skip color shifting.

The models are the epitome of beauty. So, their photos should also be clean. That’s why you need to use a healing brush tool. You can remove the imperfection easily. The best way to use the healing brush tool is by setting 1% space. That cleans all the imperfections at a quick speed and saves time.

Fix the Wrinkles

Thousands of people follow the models. If their photos contain wrinkles that is shameful for the photographers and image editors. The wrinkles can be on both the body skin and the clothes. Wherever it be, it is not appreciable. So, de-wrinkle the photo carefully. Save your photo as you clean up all the harsh wrinkles.

No matter how many precautions you take, there will be some stray hair or fly-away hair when you shoot models. However, professional photographers fix the fly-away hair before publishing the photos. You can remove the stray hair by using a healing brush. Never forget that the viewers never appreciate fly-away hair in photos.

Use Selective Color Tool

As an image editor, I have often seen that when we edit model photos we need to select a particular place of a photo to rectify the color or tone. This is where the beginners in image editing get stuck. They spend a lot of time here. Well, you can save your time by using the selective color tool to edit a specific area of the photo.

Take care of Eyes & teeth

Models need to look good. A large part of how they look depends on their eyes and teeth. So, when you edit a model photo no matter male or female take extra care of the eyes and the teeth. Both of these express the beauty and elegance of the models.

Don’t Delete the Original File

Some new image editors or designers think their final product is the ultimate goal so why they need the original image. Despite you can do an excellent job with Photoshop, you should never delete the original file permanently. Keep the original file with the edited file so that you can find it at any time. Besides, you never know if you can edit perfectly right away. You may need the original file several times to start over.

Finalize and share

Once you think now it is looking perfect make sure you don’t miss any part. Take suggestions from the people around you. Make cross-checking to get the best result. As you think every spot on the image has been beautified then finalize it and share it with your client.

Take Image Editing Service

Editing any kind of photography is time-consuming. For many photographers, it is not possible to invest time in image editing. So, the best solution is to take the help of image editing service providers. Fix the Retouch is one of the top image editing companies in the world. If you are a photographer, you can rely on them for editing your photos.

Final Verdict

Editing an image is just the process of enhancing the image look. By editing any image you can take the quality of the image to a better position. Model photography editing is a little tricky as far as beauty is concerned. So, you can follow the ways I have mentioned here in this article. I hope your photos will be up to the mark.

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